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Job Offer Negotiations - Power Of Preparations

Updated: Aug 22, 2023

Knife Sharpening

Job offer negotiations start at interview

So, congratulations on snagging that job interview! Now, it's time to get ready. But remember to keep your eyes on the prize: maximizing your compensation. This interview and subsequent negotiation isn't just about securing a fantastic compensation package (although that's definitely a major perk). It's also an opportunity to leave a lasting impression on your future manager and showcase your skills as a savvy negotiator.

Success in negotiation starts with solid preparation. I know, it may not sound like the most exciting part of the process, but trust me when I say it's absolutely critical. It forms the foundation upon which your negotiation stands. The more prepared you are, the more confident and persuasive you'll be when discussing your terms.

Acknowledge the Starting Point

Let's start at the beginning. Recall, job offer negotiations begin at the first contact with the company. Treat every interaction as an opportunity to showcase your value and set the stage for future negotiations. Be professional, engaged, and attentive, as these initial impressions can influence the negotiation process.

Know Yourself

Take the time to reflect on your professional journey, noting any significant achievements or experiences outside of work. Consider instances where you problem-solved, led teams, or implemented efficient processes. This self-awareness will empower you to articulate your value confidently during the interview and then in negotiation. Here are some points to consider:

  • List your professional accomplishments over the past two years (both inside and outside of work).

  • Highlight instances where you have problem-solved, led teams, or implemented processes.

  • Consider any additional skills or experiences that make you valuable to employers. Write them down.

For a detailed skills audit worksheet, get my free template here.

Understand the Market

To negotiate effectively, you must have a solid grasp of the market value for your skills and experience. Websites like, Team Blind, and H1 Data can provide valuable insights into compensation ranges for similar roles. Armed with this information, you'll be better equipped to anchor your negotiations and advocate for fair compensation.

Align with Company Culture

Research the financials as well as the organization's social media presence and website to gain insights into their values and mission. Identify areas of alignment between your own goals and the company's culture, highlighting how your skills and accomplishments can contribute to their success. And during the interview sprinkle in how you are the asset the team and hiring manager have been dreaming about.

Prepare for Common Interview Questions

The negotiation process often intertwines with the interview process. By preparing answers to common interview questions, you can position yourself for success in both arenas. Craft an elevator pitch that succinctly communicates who you are, your purpose, and the benefits you offer to your audience. Additionally, be ready to address questions about why you're leaving your current job, where you see yourself in the next five years, and other related topics.

Check out the example worksheet I have included at the end of this blog post. This should help you create one of your own relevant to your industry and skill set.

Next steps

Enroll in my complimentary training course, "Know Your Worth and Fight for It: 7 Simple Steps to Negotiating the Job Offer of Your Dreams," if you're truly committed to increasing your income by acquiring the essential skills to determine your value and advocate for it. My course offers practical strategies to help you discover your leverage, navigate challenging questions, and be prepared for unexpected obstacles.

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