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Is Job Stability a thing of the past?

Job stability is a myth these days.

The harsh truth is that anyone could lose their job at any moment, regardless of performance or loyalty. This unpredictability underscores a critical point: job stability is a myth, and the focus should be on building career stability instead.

Career stability is about developing professional and financial resilience that can weather the ups and downs of any job market.

executive woman balancing on a rope
Strive for career stability

Here are four essential strategies to help you achieve that stability:

Establish a brand

Lately, I have been fascinated by the concept of digging the well before you are thirsty. This was originally in a book by Harvey Mackay. It is so true for so many things in life. But especially true for career stability.

To ensure you’re on the radar of recruiters and hiring managers, you need to create a reputation as a subject matter expert in your field. The equivalent of digging you well before you are thirsty!

Start by optimizing your LinkedIn profile to highlight your achievements, skills, and industry contributions. Grab my free checklist here.

Connect with colleagues, both new and old, and stay active by sharing relevant content, engaging with posts, and participating in discussions.

Don’t shy away from public speaking opportunities, either. Remember, the more visible you are, the more likely you are to be approached with new opportunities.

My client E could see the writing on the wall. Her company had an abysmal financial performance last year. She was certain that riffs were coming! She invested in her professional brand, starting with her LinkedIn profile. She took time to showcase her expertise, share industry insights, and connect with peers and influencers in her field. Slowly, E started to build a reputation as a thought leader.

She started reaching out to former colleagues, not to reconnect and to offer help and support. She attended virtual conferences, joined webinars, and even started a small mentoring group for young professionals in her industry.

The road wasn’t easy.

There were many moments of self-doubt and times when it felt like all the effort wasn’t making a difference. But E pushed through. Then, one day, the call came. A former colleague, now a department head at a large firm, reached out with an opportunity. She was able to transition into a brand new role with a bigger paycheck without any hiccups.

Build relationships

Career stability is not just about what you know but also who you know. Spend time nurturing relationships. Sometimes, simply connecting on LinkedIn and engaging with your peers’ content can keep you on their radar. The goal is to stay visible and engaged in your field so that when opportunities arise, your name is top of mind.

Keep Learning

Complacency is detrimental to your career. Industries change, and so do the skills required to succeed in them. Stay ahead of industry trends. Learn A.I. tools. This growth mindset makes you more valuable in your current role and also ensures you remain competitive in the job market.

Prepare Your Interview and Job Search Skills

Keep your interview and job search skills sharp. Even when you are not actively looking for a new job. Don't wait until you are desperate. If you wait, you might be more stressed and more critically, lose out on big opportunities.

Get the latest on best interview techniques here.

Job stability might be a thing of the past, but career stability is well within your control. It’s not just about keeping a job today—it’s about securing your career for the long run. So play the long game. Take action. You can absolutely control your career stability!


If you need help, reach out!

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