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How to PIVOT in your Career - The Smart Way to Find A Meaningful career




These words are at the core of our aspirations. It's what it means to be human.

According to Seth Godin, "The real desire is significance. To do something that matters. To be missed if we were gone. The universal desire to achieve dignity and be seen."

Yet, of us find ourselves trapped in 9-5 jobs, feeling miserable and unfulfilled.

It's time to ask the question: What if things could be different?

The Desire for Meaningful Work

We all yearn to do work that matters, to be part of something bigger than themselves. This desire for significance drives us to seek out opportunities where our contributions are valued and our absence would be felt.

This is why companies spend so much money on consultants to draft vision statements. To make their workforce feel connected to something bigger. Not just increase shareholder wealth. But more and more these vision statements ring hollow as year after year we see our 'leaders' dance to the tune of the Wall-Street pipers.

The Misery of Unfulfilled Work

I speak to hundreds of potential clients in a month. Almost all of them are in 9-5 jobs feeling miserable. Feeling like their work is meaningless. They are cog in the wheel churning out work while their contributions go unnoticed.

This profound lack of fulfillment has lead to stagnation, burnout, and a pervasive sense of dissatisfaction.

How to Pivot in your Career - The Case for PIVOT IN PLACE

The answer to how to pivot in your caeer is do it the smart way.

Here is the strategy:

Assuming, you are unfulfilled in your current role.

And knowing that the job market is still difficult for job seekers,

the strategy includes staying in your current role while finding your purpose and planning a strategic pivot.

The pivot could mean seeking a new job, transitioning to a different company a new industry, or even launching your own venture such as a knowledge-based coaching or consulting business. The point is to stay in your current role but taking action to plan your exit strategy. And it's up to you decide if that exit is one year from now or five years from now.

How do you accomplish this?

a brown woman in executive outfit sitting calmly on the beach looking at the ocean
Finding fulfillment requires action

Spend some time in reflection

While in your current role, think about all the things that have lit a fire in you. Things that come so easily to you that it doesn't even feel like work. That's what you need to focus on.

Explore New Opportunities

Sometimes, the thing that lights you up might be a brand new company. A new job or a different company can provide the fresh start you need.

Launch a Knowledge-Based Business

If you have garnered a lifetime of experience and expertise, it's time to share your genius and perspective with the world. Start an online coaching or consulting business. This path allows you to define your own career, craft greater autonomy for yourself, and affords the opportunity to work closely with clients, and the chance to build a legacy.

Believe it or not, the online coaching business is expected to reach $12B by 2032 growing at double digit rates. This is a tremendous opportunity for anyone considering this avenue.

Personal Reflection

Making a pivot requires introspection and courage. And most importantly, action!

It involves understanding your true desires and taking steps.

One of my clients, was stuck in a monotonous administrative role; when we started working together she told me that she was an artist when she was a teenager. But since joining the working world, she had let her artistic side wither and die.

Eventually, she reached unbearable levels of burnout.

We met and started working on the next phase of her career.

She determined that art was indeed her true passion She stayed in her administrative role and added evening classes in graphic design. After two years of hard work, she transitioned to a marketing communication/design position within her company.

Today, she has her own creative agency with a team of three other creatives.

Every day is filled with challenges, but also with unprecedented fulfillment.


Remaining in unfulfilling roles leads to misery and burnout.

But change doesn't happen on its own.

You have to design it. Trust me you can!

When considering where to direct your career efforts, spend time being curious. Experiment. Take the time. Work with a mentor or a coach. It's worth it.

It is time to find the thing that will fill you with meaning. It's time to take action. Let's go!


Dorothy Mashburn is on a mission to help executives advance their careers and maximize their compensation. You can secure a complimentary mini-coaching session with her right here.

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